Today Mr. Obama announced that within the next two years he will seek to close down Guantanamo Bay and put an end to torture in the US. If there is any sincerity in his claims then surely this is a step in the right direction in terms of actually improving humanity as a whole. There is no doubt an argument that this sort of practice is necessary for the security of our society. While I respect anyone’s opinion I must disagree given the techniques and alternative methods available ...
In my next blog, i will be launching a scathing attack on democracy goverend by the free market approach that our society has adopted since the Clinton era. As well as this, i want to outline a critique of the fundemental principles that hold it together, however before i do, i want to hear what those whom believe this system is the right way forward for our society have to say on the matter. So if you believe that the free markets are the right approach, please could y...
The following article is my subjective view of the American presidential election. I'll get the disclaimer out of the way first. I’m not American, I’m not as informed as many of you regarding the current presidential race with regards to policies and so on however, as I have already said, this is my subjective view (opinion) and if anything will prove as a good way to perhaps educate myself on the subject further. I think the likes of the e-mail floating around that contain ou...
Democracy and Sufferage is all about giving the people the power to decide for themselves . Many consider democracy the final form of goverement, that it is the most evolved and sophisticated form of how a society should distribute its power and decisions. While democracy as a notition is very sound and more importantly noble, being a democractic country doesn't neccisarily remove you the issue of corruption of power. What it doesn't addres is the issue of how those whom vote form t...
Regardless of what you may or may not believe with the reasons for us going into Iraq, one of the actual issues that arise as a result of the War is the issue of Iraq's oil. Iraq has over 100 billion barrels of proven oil reserves. Just to put this into perspective, only Saudi Arabia has more conventional oil at 260 billion barrels. Upon coallition forces securing Iraq, many Western Oil companies were licking their lips at the prospect of agreeing part-ownership contracts on these res...
Democracy in its very nature is designed to give people as a whole the ability and opportunities to dictate whom they want to govern them and most importantly of all, what interests that government will pursue for them. We, as in western society, boastfully parade around with exponentially large banners reading ‘WE ARE A DEMOCRACY’. This attitude even empowers us in some scenarios to go into other countries and impose our social structure upon them.  ...