Today Mr. Obama announced that within the next two years he will seek to close down Guantanamo Bay and put an end to torture in the US.
If there is any sincerity in his claims then surely this is a step in the right direction in terms of actually improving humanity as a whole. There is no doubt an argument that this sort of practice is necessary for the security of our society. While I respect anyone’s opinion I must disagree given the techniques and alternative methods available to us, this ancient and barbaric practice is merely a throw back to a time where we would sew ourselves into our underwear and burn someone odd looking when our pigs and cattle mysteriously died.
If we are to move on as a species and more imperative, if we are to actually lead by example in the west, then we must not come across as hypocrites. The way it is currently we are trying to promote liberty, equality, freedom and a modern way of life, while at the same time still performing activities that we more at home during the dark ages.
Some may believe that i am unrealistic if I think such a move will end torture being performed by western interrogators, or even that it isn’t necessary to use it and while once again I’ll respect your opinion, I believe the measure of a human being and society as a whole is by that of their actions and would prefer that the society that represents me isn’t associated with such practices, even if it leaves us at a disadvantage to those whom oppose us.