Whose more insane, me or the rest of society? Read the following blog of bollocks and decide for yourself.
The failure of media corporations in modern democracy
Published on June 27, 2008 By Scotteh In Politics

Democracy and Sufferage is all about giving the people the power to decide for themselves.

Many consider democracy the final form of goverement, that it is the most evolved and sophisticated form of how a society should distribute its power and decisions.

While democracy as a notition is very sound and more importantly noble, being a democractic country doesn't neccisarily remove you the issue of corruption of power.  What it doesn't addres is the issue of how those whom vote form their opinions.

We have a wonderful tool in our society that allows us to get information across to millions, upon billions of people across states, countries and the entire globe if need be.

Television (as well as the Internet and News papers) could be used to provide the popluation of countries that use a democratic system to elect their leaders or make decisions for themselves with a fully non-judgemental (what some may call objective) view of scenario's that effect them directley or indirectley.

This would allow for a true democracy to work, it would allow for people to decide for themselves.

What if however, a few individuals had control over this tool? What if they were able to use this tool to ensure more people had the very same political opinion as they did? Would that be considered wrong? Would it not negagte the whole point of demcracy and plunge us back into what is in essense a dictatorship, the desires of one or few, overshaddowign the desires of many?

Let me show you an interesting correlation between the elected goverements of the UK and the owner of the most media assets political opinion over the past few decades:

Between 1980-1992 Rupert Murdoch was generally favourable towards the Conservative party in Britain.

Between 1980-1992 The Conservative party goverened Britain.

In 1992, The Sun News paper, owned by Rupert Murdoch, published an article damining opposition candidate Neil Kinnock, it's probably the most definiative example of media influence over a election and something the paper itself is highly proud of.

Between 1992 and 1997 - The Conservative party continued to govern Britain.

In 1997, Tony Blair met Rupert Murdoch in a private meeting to discuss the future of Britain and how Murdoch would help Blair achieve his aim by wining over public opinion through the press.

In 1997 Rupert Murdochs publications became favourable to that of the Labour Party.

In 1997 the Labout Party became the governing party in Britain.

In 2008 Rupert Murdochs publications, free from the agreement with Blair, are now leaning towards the Conservative Party.

It will be interesting to see whom will win the next British General election.

Rupert Murdoch owns 7, yes 7, national news papers here in the united kingdom, it owns an entire broadcasting company (premium TV, like the american version fo cable). As well as other publications.

In 1985 Murdoch became a citzen of the United States in order to purchase a Television company, namely Fox.

Ok, everyones got a political opinion, even the owners of news corporations, whats Fox Done wrong?

 Fox does two things, hand in hand, that go against what the media should do in terms of political coverage in a democratic society. The first thing it does is offer a subjective view, that is it is a view which has passed judgement on a particular issue. The second and perhaps most contreversial (and to it's viewers insulting) of all is that it has the audacity to say it is putting across as objective (non-judgemental) view point of political scenario's.

So in short, Fox News is gathering news and information and then showing you particular aspects of it in order to impose the political opinion of itself as a corporation on to it's viewers.  Instead of actually giving their viewiers the entire situation and allowing them to decide, it does the decision bit for them.

You, after being told what to think effectivley, then go off to the voting booth.

Maybe the media don't want to own up to the responsiblity of informing society of what is going on, maybe they want to just make the arguement of 'We just want to sell news papers!' or 'We just want to get viewers!'. That may be so, but at the same time we as a society have to recognise the power that the media has over us and as such it needs to be heavily scrutinized especially when it comes to claims of impartiality.

In an ideal world, saying your impartial, then presentialy a highly subjective opion across should be illegal, it is a crime against society and it is an insult to anyone watching.

While organisations such as these exist, we have no right to go to any other country in the world and challenge their view on how a country should be ran or how it should treat its citizens and in a world where you have the likes of the Burmese Junta, Zimbawae and Norther Korea then it becomes a rather large issue.

Cheers for reading, any opinions are most welcome.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 27, 2008
Cheers to you, and while what you write may be true in the UK (I will be the first to admit I am clueless there), I dont think it holds in the US. After all, the media (plural and I am speaking major outlets) has had a liberal bent for at least the last 40 years. And in that time, we have had several conservative presidents (Liberal and Conservative used in the sense of American politics, not UK).
on Jun 27, 2008
on Jun 27, 2008

I find it very interesting that you chose to basically "pick" on Fox News and completely disregard all other news station that basically "do the same thing". There is no denying that Fox tends to lean Republican when it comes to the poeple who report the news. But lets not ignore the fact that by the same token, stations like CBS News and CNN also do the same for Democrats. And personally I have to believe that considering all the sources one has now a days (several news stations, the internet, several news papers) Fox does give you the option of deciding your own opinion of what they report. If people are too lazy to do the research, to change the channels, to read the newspaper, and simply go by what Fox news (or any other news source for that matter) says then the real problem is not Fox News and their style of serving up information to the masses, it's the people who eat it up no questions asked.

on Jun 27, 2008

The reason i highlighted Fox was because of Rupert Murdoch's involvement (ownership) with them.

Unfortunatley Charles, people do not go out and research issues like they should. Have you ever considered what News Service means to people? It's like their gas, electricity and water. Some people are not aware that Fox is a Republican/Conservative channel, and could of spent their entire life believing litterally everything that was spouted.

There is nothing wrong with having an opinion and even broadcasting it. There is something wrong with saying your broadcasting an entire issue not formed on an opinion, when you are in fact doing the exact opposite.

Liberal stations doing the exact same thing are just as bad, agian however i the Murdoch factor was something i wanted to come down on. Essentially the point behind my post was to state that whatever political opinion/agenda Murdoch has, Fox Viewers are then directley exposed to it under the guise of objective-information.

The simple arguement of 'Well they should do their own research' is irrelvant when we are talking about reporting that is labelled as non-biased, being biased.

Dr Guy - As i said to Charles, even if it was a Liberal media company doing it, it's just as bad. I think the reason for the correlation not existing in America is probably due to the lack of unification throughout the news companies on their agenda. As i said already, in the UK Murdoch owned 7 news papers.


on Jun 27, 2008

I really don't understand what obsessive hatred the left has for Fox News.  They run around all day complaining about how Fox News is so biased (although they really can't provide good examples), but completely ignore the other 99% of the media which has a liberal bias for a very long time.

So in short, Fox News is gathering news and information and then showing you particular aspects of it in order to impose the political opinion of itself as a corporation on to it's viewers.  Instead of actually giving their viewiers the entire situation and allowing them to decide, it does the decision bit for them.

Could you provide some examples of that?


on Jun 27, 2008

Ok Island Dog, i'll give you a fairly recent example.

I don't spend much time watching fox anymore, i spent a good while watching clips of it during my research for this article however and one that was apparent (and recent) was it's report on China drilling in Cuba for oil underneath Florida.

Dick Cheney's office released a statement saying something in that effect, Fox reports it as major news, Dick Cheney retracts the statement, Fox fails to report on the retraction.

That's an example of misleading people by only reporting a proportion of what is going on.

on Jun 27, 2008

It is very hard to find factual and unbiased news sources.  I don't think that means that they should be called a criminal enterprise though.  You just have to read or watch knowing the philosophy that influences that source.  I live near DFW.  The Fort Worth Star-Telegram is liberal and the Dallas Morning News is conservative.  The bias is extremely obvious to me by the main headline of the day.  The top story is many times the same wire story but you wouldn't know that by the headline.  The smartest thing to do is get your news from more than one source. 

on Jun 27, 2008

I really don't understand what obsessive hatred the left has for Fox News. They run around all day complaining about how Fox News is so biased (although they really can't provide good examples), but completely ignore the other 99% of the media which has a liberal bias for a very long time.

hee hee! Well you are right about one thing- FOX news isn't alone in being guilty of being biased. In fact, all news is going to be biased one way or t'other. I do have issue with the statement that the "other" 99% of the media is all left wing, that is ridiculous. CNN has two primetime slots for conservatives, one of whom rails against Iran and Global warming (Beck) and the other who spends an hour trying to scare you with stories of lurkers waiting in the bushes to grab your kids on their way home from school (Grace) and how clearly the nation needs tougher laws and harsher punishment for the millions of such slimy predators just waiting around every corner and in every closet!

Two things:

1) In a perfect world, there would be no such thing as "liberal" or "conservative" media, there would just be news told by reporters with holes in their shoes from doing too much walking around in their investigations. Instead most reporters rarely leave their desks, getting the news via e-mail from corporate headquarters (or equivalent) and then regurgitating it.

2) The real issue here isn't so much bias, as the OWNERSHIP of media. In the past 20 years we have seen MASSIVE conglomeration of multiple media outlets, with local newspapers and TV stations getting snapped up by giant media chains which are owned and directed by a small number of people. This is a very, very dangerous thing and we have only ourselves to blame for allowing it to happen. When you have a monopoly on commodities like oil or a utility the government steps in to ensure fairness (remember the breakup of MA bell in 1984 cause they were too big and all encompassing??) Same thing should go for media. But unfortunately we've allowed concentration of ownership into a few hands in the name of corporate mergers!

When this happens, the potential for abuse of power is astounding. And to set the record straight on "liberal" bias in the media, most of the concentration of ownership in the media is actually in conservative hands.

on Jun 27, 2008
In the end this kind of argument does nothing but bring the Conservatives or Republicans out to bash the Liberal or Democratic media and then the Liberals or Democrats do the same to the Conservative or Republican media. I do think it's a shame that we wanna cling to our political affiliations so much that we don't even know if we agree on a particular issue.

Is it possible for anyone on this site (or outside this site for that matter) to be able to have a discussion without slamming the other persons opinion simply because they are of the opposing party as oppose to because they don't agree with a particular issue? I mean, seriously, do you, as a liberal, have to dislike me and my ideals just because I am Conservative? And vis verse? I can blame the political parties (both) for the incredible divide that currently exist in this (once great I am sad to say) country but I have to blame the people themselves, if not more, for making it personal.
on Jun 27, 2008
The simple arguement of 'Well they should do their own research' is irrelvant when we are talking about reporting that is labelled as non-biased, being biased.

I don't think it's irrelevant because people are suppose to be, by nature, smart enough to question everything. We don't live in a single option society where we only have 1 brand of any product to chose from. Dam, I have to believe if you can make it to adulthood regardless whether you're rich or poor, it tells me you were smart enough to survive thru a normal day in live, that somewhere along the line you were smart enough to make decisions that did not kill you sooner. So how is it we are not able to question the news we get, especially when if you are able to get information from one news source (newspaper, TV, radio, internet) then you should be able to get more info from other options of the same source. No 1 store sells only 1 newspaper brand, anyone with a TV that can watch at th least local channels can see at least 3 different news channels, anyone with a radio has several radio stations to choose from. Regardless who owns what news source not all have the same stiry word for word so options do exist.

I can't blame gun makers for people killing other people with guns if those who are killing are irresponsible with the guns. The same can be said about the media.
on Jun 27, 2008
Unfortunatley Charles, people do not go out and research issues like they should. Have you ever considered what News Service means to people? It's like their gas, electricity and water. Some people are not aware that Fox is a Republican/Conservative channel, and could of spent their entire life believing litterally everything that was spouted.

Classic elitist liberal condescension, based on the underlying belief that the "average joe" is a dolt (the corollary being that the condescender is "enlightened" and knows better what is good for the "average joe" than Joe does). No respect for any opinion but their own.
on Jun 27, 2008
(remember the breakup of MA bell in 1984 cause they were too big and all encompassing??)

Not really apples to apples, there. There are many days I wish Ma were still alive & kicking.
on Jun 28, 2008

Classic elitist liberal condescension, based on the underlying belief that the "average joe" is a dolt (the corollary being that the condescender is "enlightened" and knows better what is good for the "average joe" than Joe does). No respect for any opinion but their own.

Classic idealistic pie-in-the-sky pontificating, all theory and no proof for their assertion that the average Big Brother-watching, celebrity-chasing person is actually a virtuoso at research and would never think of letting someone else do the heavy thinking.

(See, other people can do your schtick too!)

On the article...

First of all, a spellcheck would be nice. It takes a lot of weight from any argument if it looks like it was typed into the computer by the miraculous intervention of a swarm of angry bees. That's all I'm going to say about that though.

On your main point:

I think you can take Fox News a different way. Sure, it's a ferociously one-sided news service. Sure, it's populated by airheads and the boringly angry. But watch it for a little while and you'll start to see what it's really all about.

You see, Fox News is a comedy. It's the Onion on a 24/7 news cycle. Every story, every feature, every personality thrust onto its network is presented in the most ludicrous way imaginable. Those who work for it are masters of the deadpan, participants in a farce so unimaginably complex that it transcends mere satire and becomes a whole new level of humour.

Once you see Fox News for what it is, you'll think of it as less of a threat. It's like what any advertising person will tell you - if people are dumb enough to believe it, they deserve to be fooled.
on Jun 28, 2008
Dr Guy - As i said to Charles, even if it was a Liberal media company doing it, it's just as bad. I think the reason for the correlation not existing in America is probably due to the lack of unification throughout the news companies on their agenda. As i said already, in the UK Murdoch owned 7 news papers.

I agree - I was just pointing out the difference. It is a fact of life here in the states that most of the MSM is liberal. But it does not appear to have a major impact on elections. Minor? Sure. It can tip a close election. But as we saw in 04, it cannot win for a candidate even when using fraud to try to accomplish it.
on Jun 29, 2008
no proof for their assertion that the average Big Brother-watching, celebrity-chasing person is actually a virtuoso at research and would never think of letting someone else do the heavy thinking.

Uh, Cacto -

What the classic liberal elitist thinks of Fox News and the people who might watch it does not mean the people who watch it think the opposite. You're stringing together two unrelated statements & claiming an intent that was never there.
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