Whose more insane, me or the rest of society? Read the following blog of bollocks and decide for yourself.
Published on December 18, 2008 By Scotteh In Politics

Today Mr. Obama announced that within the next two years he will seek to close down Guantanamo Bay and put an end to torture in the US.

If there is any sincerity in his claims then surely this is a step in the right direction in terms of actually improving humanity as a whole. There is no doubt an argument that this sort of practice is necessary for the security of our society. While I respect anyone’s opinion I must disagree given the techniques and alternative methods available to us, this ancient and barbaric practice is merely a throw back to a time where we would sew ourselves into our underwear and burn someone odd looking when our pigs and cattle mysteriously died.

If we are to move on as a species and more imperative, if we are to actually lead by example in the west, then we must not come across as hypocrites. The way it is currently we are trying to promote liberty, equality, freedom and a modern way of life, while at the same time still performing activities that we more at home during the dark ages.

Some may believe that i am unrealistic if I think such a move will end torture being performed by western interrogators, or even that it isn’t necessary to use it and while once again I’ll respect your opinion, I believe the measure of a human being and society as a whole is by that of their actions and would prefer that the society that represents me isn’t associated with such practices, even if it leaves us at a disadvantage to those whom oppose us.


Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 19, 2008

I seem to be getting an error when trying to edit a post, getting a 'Bad Auth' issue. 

So here is the remainder of the post from that point onwards:

The way I see "we are our own worst enemies" seems to describe the average American quite well. I still find it hard to believe that some people actually believed we would bomb schools and hospitals in Iraq when the war first started with out a car for the injured in the hospitals and the children in the schools. It almost makes me sick to think these are the same people we share social security numbers with.

Well again I don’t see how this has anything to do with torture, but my own government (considered I suspect just a liberal as any) invented “strategic bombing”, the intention to demoralize a country from the air and grinding the country to a halt. Now this obviously wasn’t the case in Iraq, it wasn’t a war of attrition and such actions were not deemed necessary, but I’d just like to provide you with an example of just how low the west has been willing to go (let’s not talk about Vietnam and India). It’s disheartening to believe that we would do such a thing and I don’t believe we have ever done so, but I’d like to provide you with two films to watch.  One is called Charlie Wilson’s War and the other is called 9thCompany or (9 pota), the first is an American film portraying events in Afganistan during the 1980’s during the Soviet/Afgan war the other is a Russian film portraying events during the same time period.

The American film shows Russian choppers annihilating innocent afgan civilians and towns (no doubt including hospital and schools), the Russian film shows the same thing, but before it happens a Russian squad is in the town and is attacked by children with AK-47’s. Two viewpoints, whose right? What happened?

I don’t think I could bring myself to believe that people who represent us could purposely harm innocents, yet at the same time, I wouldn’t be naive enough to outright dismiss it.


on Dec 19, 2008


The big question is where do we put the incorrigibles?



That question has already been answered. We ship them back to their countries of origin where they will be executed for terrorism/treason/getting caught/handling goats/whatever.

That part was never a problem for the protesters. Out of sight - out of mind.

If this is the case then its quite frankly dissapointing, don't you have some form of policy that prevents extraditing people whom may suffer harm at the country you are sending them too? For example here in the UK we try not to send asylum seekers back to their country if their at risk of dieing back there.

on Dec 19, 2008

If this is the case then its quite frankly dissapointing, don't you have some form of policy that prevents extraditing people whom may suffer harm at the country you are sending them too? For example here in the UK we try not to send asylum seekers back to their country if their at risk of dieing back there.

Yes, and that is why many are still there.  Basically men with no country.  But the protestors dont tell you about that. Only that they are being held.  This is a scab that when scratched, tells a lot more than most know.  Some are just plain ignorant of the truth, and others purposefully hide it to advance their agenda.

on Dec 19, 2008

I suppose I should've answered my own question: the bad guys have already been sent to countries that okay torture--so what's the big deal? Seems like a dead issue.

on Dec 20, 2008

I'm not sure that the US has really "tortured" anyone, the methods of interrogation have been aggressive to be certain, but being forced to stand on a box with a hood, or wear Lindy England's skanky undies on your head isn't like being hung upside down from Saddam Husseins ceiling fans or having holes drilled into your arms & legs by Saddam Fedayeen. I'm kind of neutral on this issue. On one hand, I'm not sure if waterboarding a terrorist or blasting out "Born in the USA" will really make them give up what they know anyhow.

on Dec 20, 2008

If this is the case then its quite frankly dissapointing

Yes, it is. It's absolutely dissapointing.

And as Doc said, there is such a policy and hence there is Guantanamo.

Welcome to the conservative point of view!

You can still disagree with Guantanamo, but at least now you have understood why it's not so simple.


I suppose I should've answered my own question: the bad guys have already been sent to countries that okay torture--so what's the big deal? Seems like a dead issue.

The remaining issue is the anti-torture protesters who are fighting to get the terrorists executed quickly by releasing them to their home countries.



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