Whose more insane, me or the rest of society? Read the following blog of bollocks and decide for yourself.
"Sorry Big G(alleo)! We got it all wrong!" - Bob The Inquisitioner
Published on May 6, 2008 By Scotteh In Religion

Let's look at the following statement:

"Religion still has an important role in society today."

This is something that many people would agree with, If you were to ask me if i was to agree with this statement i'd have to opt for the 'abstain' option. I will say however that i can understand why people agree with this statement.

Religion is involved in teaching us one of the most important set of skills required to surive and flourish in modern day society, Morality. Religion has helped teach children at a very early age what is right and wrong as well as good and evil. From a young age you know that killing innocent people is wrong, that stealing is wrong, trespassing etc. You small cranium is saturated with Do's and Do not's from religious texts.

This is great, and more to the point this is important, our society needs a means of teaching people how they should behave.

Ok so we're all nodding in agreement (or so i hope at least) up to this point, society needs morality, unwritten rules and teachings that we can pass on to our children as to avert them from growing up as the next incarnation of the manson family.

More to come tomorrow...


on May 06, 2008

I got most of my morality from watching TV.


on May 06, 2008

Morality? I'm still a klepto, and I was raised in the church. Sure I always give it back, but I don't ask first. I got more morality lessons in a secular context. "It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission."

on May 06, 2008
I got most of my morality from watching TV.

I get mine from selfishness and reason.
on May 06, 2008

My morality comes from my big dick. I feel sorry for other guys so I treat them nice and I'm nice to women cause I'm always looking to show it off.


on May 07, 2008

"It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission."

That's pure religion right there.  Do something bad, ask Jesus to forgive you.  Win, win baby!
