Whose more insane, me or the rest of society? Read the following blog of bollocks and decide for yourself.
Published on May 6, 2008 By Scotteh In Just Hanging Out

I think this is possibly the second time that i've tried to start a blog, heavy intoxication over the years prevents me from remembering exactly.

I've never considered it important, because i've always felt blogs were A) never read and finally if they are read, only there for a means to fuel the ego of whichever semi-important person (or perhaps important, although you could ask if you were an important person - what you doing writing a blog for? Haven't you more pressing matters to attend to?!) wrote it.

So an acceptable question at this point would be "So why you writing a blog dickhead?". To which i'd like to reply with the answer that every now and again, i will read the blog of someone entirely annomyous and think 'F**kin' hell, that was spot on!'. Recently this happend, and it inspired me to write my own. In the hope that someone as equally ignorant as myself one days reads this and thinks "Hey - that lad was right, french food is overrated".


So there you have it, that's why i've decided to write a blog. If you've read this far you are one of two people, the first of which is someone who has travrsed every page of the internet after finding themselves trapped in some odd time stasis device with nothing other than an AOL subscription and one of them flimsy Acier laptops that you can pickup cheap from PC world. If you are this person, good luck in avoiding insanity and might i recommend reading some of the Wikipedia articles on the Casmir effect, should keep you enteretained for several thousand years. The second type of person whom may be reading this blog, is possibly related to me or knows me personally and i've since directed them here, as such i'd like to apologise to and laugh at you for making you read the four paragraphs of bullshit that i decided to type at work.



Maasu /






on May 06, 2008

Welcome to JU...  The place for bloggers who don't like blogs.  You might fit in here... but better yet, you might not and stay anyway.

on May 06, 2008


on May 06, 2008
Welcome. You'll soon learn that JU is quite unlike the other blog sites. If you write interesting articles they will be read here, if you're an asshat you'll get slammed here. Either way can be fun
on May 09, 2008

Cheers guys - it's been interesting so far!

on May 09, 2008
Good a reason as any! Good luck with the V8 moments!
on May 09, 2008
Welcome. JU is as much a forum as a blogsite, so you can be guaranteed someone will read what you write, even if they don't comment.

on May 09, 2008

French food is overrated.
